
Sensorimotor Functions – Indications and Limits of Treatments

  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds

Short description

The sensorimotor foot orthosis has been in use by children and adults for more than 20 years. Participants learn how existing fittings are carried out according to the current state of knowledge and today’s training concepts, and why standardisation is useful for developing future training concepts in order to provide a successful fitting with sensorimotor foot orthoses (SMFO). They also get to know the prerequisites for planning a fitting for a more differentiated indication and achieving the fitting objective.


Thomas Stief
(ts)² analytiX motion lab, (ts)² GmbH

Event Location

Room 4

Subprogram Items

17/05/2024 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM Lecture
17/05/2024 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM Lecture
17/05/2024 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM Lecture