
Lower Leg/Thigh Prosthetics – How Do I Verify the Fit of the Socket? What Are the Acceptance Criteria?

  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds

Short description

Participants get to know the design features and functionality of lower leg and upper leg prosthesis sockets, including practical approaches to checking the fit. They also learn how a lower leg or upper leg prosthesis functions as a whole. A description of the acceptance criteria and their implementation completes the training.


Event Location

Room 3

Subprogram Items

16/05/2024 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Lecture
16/05/2024 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Lecture
16/05/2024 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Lecture