New Dual Leadership of the world congress at OTWorld 2024
Uniting medicine with prosthetics and orthotics: The new dual leadership for the world congress reflects the interdisciplinary and inter-professional orientation of OTWorld 2024. Bringing together both sectors with their professional expertise, the two congress presidents, Prof Dr Thomas Wirth, Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Clinic in Stuttgart and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ingo Pfefferkorn, master prosthetist and orthotist, will be creating a platform for open professional dialogue.
In close cooperation with the high-profile members of the Programme and Workshop Committee, the two congress presidents are currently working on the four-day conference programme for OTWorld 2024. They will be drawing on their many years of experience and an international network of specialists. “In Leipzig, we’ll be providing a comprehensive overview of new materials, technologies, research findings, studies and innovations in addition to demonstrating numerous types of treatment and care,” explains Congress President Pfefferkorn. “The focus of our lectures and workshops is always on real-life progress in individual care. No matter what participants hope to gain from the congress, they’ll certainly go home with a new perspective on their daily work in treatment and care.”
The interdisciplinary congress programme at OTWorld 2024 will cover all core aspects of orthopaedic treatment and care as well as offering advanced training opportunities for the entire care team. “Optimum orthopaedic treatment and care makes all the difference. It extends the range of mobility for patients, increases their quality of life and determines their degree of social participation. The range of care options that we can offer patients is largely determined by our level of knowledge, the available technology and our own breadth of experience. We are the ones who can make a difference – whether as doctors, therapists or prosthetists and orthotists. In that sense, orthopaedic treatment and care is an applied science, so a congress like this one offers us a structured platform for sharing information on our experiences. I’m delighted that around 30 national and international trade associations will also be contributing to this dialogue in 2024. The congress lectures will once again demonstrate what a difference the best possible care can make to all parties involved,” explains Congress President Professor Wirth.
Paediatric/adolescent and neuro-orthopaedics are close to the hearts of both congress presidents and will therefore be in focus at OTWorld 2024. Planned contributions include a talk on orthopaedic treatment and orthopaedic footwear technology for serious foot deformities in children and adolescents, an update on muscle relaxation techniques for spasticity and a session on 3D printing in paediatric orthopaedics.
Prof Dr Thomas Wirth has been a member of the Advisory Board for the German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC) since 2017 and co-chairs the Paediatric Orthopaedics Commission of the DGOOC.
Ingo Pfefferkorn is a master prosthetist and orthotist and serves as President of the Advanced Training Association for Orthopaedic Engineering (FOT).
Here you can read a recent interview with both congress presidents conducted by our media partner Orthopädie Technik (only available in German).