Prosthetic Covers for Everybody and Every Body
- 16/05/2024 | 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Room M26, -1 Level, Messehaus
Short description
Welcome to join this workshop where we explore the intersection of prosthetics and fashion.
You will be demonstrated Anatomic Studios innovative designs of prosthetic covers that have generated attention and loyal users & clinicians around the world far away outside Scandinavia and Sweden where Anatomic Studios has its design studio.
We will also walk you through a user-friendly & time saving ordering process, including a sneak peek at our newly launched mobile scanning app. A process (time saving) that secondly to the designs are ranked the biggest reasons why existing clinicians use Anatomic Studios prosthetic covers today.
Furthermore you will explore our covers' customizable features, designed to effortlessly adapt the covers to changes in prosthetic alignment and socket size.
And much more!
We will be very happy to connect with you in person during this workshop and look forward to sharing our passion for design and prosthetic body image with you.
Warm regards