19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Henning Seide



Henning Seide - product designer and specialist for computational design and geometry.  While still a graduate student of product design at Bauhaus University Weimar, Henning Seide started working on the development of complex geometric design solutions, later focussing on cutting-edge computer-generated product cultures. Since that time designs based on geometry and their transfer to body-fitting products and applications have been playing a major role in Henning Seide’s professional work. Today, after 20 years of teaching experience as an authorized coach for CAD environment Rhinoceros, cooperating with various academic institutions, design and planning offices, as well as automotive and sports industry, Henning is known as one who is up to all the tricks of the trade. 



Program Items

14/05/2024 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM Symposium

Digitalisation has become unstoppable, especially in the healthcare sector. Participants receive answers to questions such as these: How can digitalisation help compensate for the shortage of skilled workers in healthcare occupations and optimise complex processes? What IT solutions and application methods will be available to us in fabrication going forward?

Room 1
Orthopaedic footwear technology Digitalization Orthotics Research and development
Henning Seide (ot-app) Hans-Georg Ahrens