19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

AS Abrechnungsstelle für Heil-, Hilfs- u. Pflegeberufe AG

About us

AS AG is one of Germany's market leaders in the field of billing and financial services and has stood for efficient service billing in the medical, auxiliary and nursing professions for more than 25 years. As a long-standing billing expert in the healthcare sector, it handles the entire billing process and takes care of correspondence, invoicing and, in the event of late payment, even dunning throughout Germany on behalf of its customers.

Product portfolio

Product Groups

Treatment Areas


Mr. Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter, AS AG Fabian Siemering
AS Abrechnungsstelle für Heil-, Hilfs- u. Pflegeberufe AG


Albert-Einstein-Straße 1-3
86399 Bobingen
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Phone: +49 8234 96520
Fax: +49 8234 965249

contact via mail
