Exhibitor Details

Deutsche Gesellschaft für interprofessionelle
Hilfsmittelversorgung e. V. (DGIHV)
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About us
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für interprofessionelle Hilfsmittelversorgung e. V. (DGIHV) is registered as a non-profit organisation and is based in Dortmund. The society has set itself the goal of being the point of contact for all medical and technical issues relating to technical orthopaedics and the oerthopadic treatment and care. The promotion of science and research as well as the healthcare system are among its central tasks.
Product portfolio
Ms. Kirsten Abel
Deutsche Gesellschaft für interprofessionelle Hilfsmittelversorgung e. V. (DGIHV)
Reinoldistraße 7-9
Phone: +49 231 557050-60