19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

My Foot (Modular Orthopedic Footwear)

About us

MyFoot, founded in 2011 in Arrifana, Portugal, produces stylish Modular Orthopaedic footwear. While function was key in the past, today's focus is on both fit and aesthetics. Our expertise in orthopaedic and fashionable footwear allows us to create attractive products meeting medical standards. Our flexible production plant caters to diverse customer needs, crafting virtually custom-made Modular Orthopaedic shoes for the perfect fit.

Product portfolio


Modular Diabetic Sneakers
Introducing MyFoot, the epitome of semi-orthopedic footwear! Crafted with innovative features for comfort and support. Specially Designed Outsole: Curved heel,...
About the product


Mr. Rogier van der Mijn
Sales Manager My Foot (Modular Orthopedic Footwear)


My Foot (Modular Orthopedic Footwear)

Rua Oliveira Figueiredo nº386 Zona Industrial das Travessas
3700-202 São João da Madeira

Phone: +351 031 624699672

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