19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

NESTRO Lufttechnik GmbH

About us

In the sector of orthopaedic engineering machine tools are used for different materials – from the funnel milling machine and face-grinding machine, to the box column drill and the band saw. NESTRO Lufttechnik is working for more than 40 years in the extraction and filter technology business for many industries and, hence, disposes of an extensive knowledge to ease your daily working routine. NESTRO cares about clean air in your workshop and prepares filtered dust and chips for an easy disposal.

Product portfolio


Dedusters NE / NEJ
Mobile dedusters and stand filters with different removal systems (bagging, briquetting, container feed ...) for the extraction of grinding and modelling dust....
About the product
Grinding Stand NST75
Room ventilation designs for the extraction of airborne particles for an energy economic and healthy working process (grinding and modelling stands)....
About the product

Treatment Areas


Mr. Dipl.-Ing (FH) Hanno Schreyer
Area Sales Manager NESTRO Lufttechnik GmbH


NESTRO Lufttechnik GmbH

Paulus-Nettelnstroth-Platz 30b
07619 Schkölen

Phone: +49 36694 41-0
Fax: +49 36694 41-260

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