19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

PRO Uganda Prothesen für neues Leben e.V.

About us

Pro Uganda is a non-profit association in Germany and Switzerland, It was founded 10 years ago in Germany with the aim of providing people with disabilities in Uganda with prostheses, orthoses or wheelchairs. So far, more than 1,400 patients have been treated. In our workshop, we are currently training 4 local employees to become orthopaedic journeymen in order to hand over more and more responsibility to local employees.

Product portfolio


Bau von Orthesen in der Werkstatt in Kiyunga / Mukono...
About the product

Treatment Areas


Mr. Dr. Carsten Dierks
2. Chairman PRO Uganda Prothesen für neues Leben e.V.
Mr. Karsten Schulz
1. Chairman PRO Uganda Prothesen für neues Leben e.V.


PRO Uganda Prothesen für neues Leben e.V.

Schlappmühler Pfad 9
61250 Usingen

Phone: +49 6081 583810

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