Competence Center for Orthopaedic Footwear Technology (KomZet O.S.T.)
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The Competence Center for Orthopaedic Footwear Technology (KomZet O.S.T.) has set itself the task of being the central point of contact for the orthopaedic footwear technology profession. Its primary objective is to secure and further develop the sector by focusing on education and research.
The special feature of the association of three locations to form one competence center makes it possible to provide expertise, competencies and offers across regions, beyond the specialization of the individual locations.
The three locations of KomZet O.S.T.
Bundesfachschule für Orthopädieschuhtechnik (BfO), Hanover.
Focus: Modern diagnostics and practice-relevant analysis.
Bildungszentrum Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik Südwest (B-O-S-S), Langen.
Focus: Management and leadership in the orthopaedic shoemaker trade.
Meisterschule Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik Siebenlehn (MSS), Siebenlehn.
Focus: Innovative design and manufacturing.
The special feature of the association of three locations to form one competence center makes it possible to provide expertise, competencies and offers across regions, beyond the specialization of the individual locations.
The three locations of KomZet O.S.T.
Bundesfachschule für Orthopädieschuhtechnik (BfO), Hanover.
Focus: Modern diagnostics and practice-relevant analysis.
Bildungszentrum Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik Südwest (B-O-S-S), Langen.
Focus: Management and leadership in the orthopaedic shoemaker trade.
Meisterschule Orthopädie-Schuhtechnik Siebenlehn (MSS), Siebenlehn.
Focus: Innovative design and manufacturing.
Kompetenzzentrum Orthopädieschuhtechnik
Ricklinger Stadtweg 90-92
Tel.: +49 511 47368137