trivida - Detachable wheelchair wheel
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trivida - P+L Innovations GmbH
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The detachable wheelchair wheel from trivida allows wheelchair users to make an obstacle-free transfer – from and into the wheelchair – for the first time. People with restrictions of the upper locomotor system may still need assistance, but do not necessarily have to be lifted. A pioneering solution for more inclusion and barrier-free living.
In the everyday life of a wheelchair user, there are countless situations where a change in position is required. For wheelchair users, their family and/or carers, these transfers from and into the wheelchair are a time-consuming and exhaustive task. Depending on individual mobility, many wheelchair users rely on help. Even for wheelchair users who can manage transfers themselves, this may become more difficult with increasing age due to loss of strength or age-related mobility restrictions.
In the everyday life of a wheelchair user, there are countless situations where a change in position is required. For wheelchair users, their family and/or carers, these transfers from and into the wheelchair are a time-consuming and exhaustive task. Depending on individual mobility, many wheelchair users rely on help. Even for wheelchair users who can manage transfers themselves, this may become more difficult with increasing age due to loss of strength or age-related mobility restrictions.
trivida - P+L Innovations GmbH
Am Krozinger Weg 11
Bad Krozingen
Phone: 07633 9203939