Protheflex is a flexible polyurethane resin used for manufacturing flexible sockets and orthoses. The Protheflex system utilizes a unique sandwich lamination technique that combines nylon layers with Protheflex flexible resin and a rigid frame in the middle, resulting in a single-wall socket that is flexible, elastic, and responsive. These sockets are lightweight, yet strong with high tear strength, and offer durability and comfort. They also have volume stability, water resistance, and UV resistance, making them suitable for various environments. Protheflex materials have been tested for skin contact by ISO and proven as non-allergenic, making it an ideal choice for everyday life and sports. The Protheflex socket system is suitable for all amputation levels, from partial foot amputations to hip amputations, as well as upper limb prosthetics and orthotics. The system can be used with all types of socket shapes, suspension types, and for all activity levels, with no size or shape limit.
More products of Protheflex system SCPatent, Zmago Vidrih, s.p.
Mr. Zmago Vidrih
Ms. Andreja Vidrih
Protheflex system SCPatent, Zmago Vidrih, s.p.
Glavni trg 16A
Novo Mesto
Phone: +386 64 222852