19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld
TopM san6
A product of: TopM Software GmbH
TopM san6 realises a complete and integrated ERP solution for service providers in the healthcare sector. It fulfils the requirements of typical areas and departments - from orthopaedics to medical technology.

Despite a high and complex range of functions, san6 impresses with a " clean" user interface and a flexible process model. Both are the result of a consistent product strategy from TopM, in which only in-house developments are used.

The flexible process model is also the prerequisite for a step-by-step introduction. san6 supports process chains, but does not make them mandatory. Our users introduce module by module and thus reduce the conversion effort for your company.

Treatment Areas


Mr. Uwe Iltgen
CEO TopM Software GmbH
Mr. Markus Kroll
Sales san6 TopM Software GmbH


TopM Software GmbH

Albert-Einstein-Straße 1-3
86399 Bobingen

Tel.: +49 8234 96520
Fax: +49 8234 965249

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