19 - 22 May 2026 OTWorld

Exhibitor Details

HKK Bionics GmbH

About us

HKK Bionics GmbH is the inventor of the world's first myoelectric hand orthosis - the exomotion® hand one. This was developed as a functional and reliable aid for everyday use to restore the gripping function of paralysed hands. The simple and intuitive control of the pre-selected grip pattern pairs is achieved via impulses from an active muscle. This makes typical everyday situations such as holding an object possible again for those affected.

Product portfolio


exomotion® hand one
Exomotion® hand one, a technical masterpiece invented by two medical technology graduates and today's founders and managing directors Dominik and Tobias. What i...
About the product


Mr. Dominik Hepp
CEO HKK Bionics GmbH


HKK Bionics GmbH

Prittwitzstraße 100
89075 Ulm

Phone: +49 731 85078190

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